----Stretch Armstrong World Value Guide Page 4--
- The Stretch N Roar Hulk has become very popular this year. A great stretch figure that I think will endure for the long run with collectors.Super huge arms and body, with great muscular detail they would not have been able to produce 30 years ago.In 30 years from now there still may be many of these around due to the nice packageing toybiz did on this stretch. It can be left just as it is inside the box for the future without damaging the stretch, unlike the stretch Mr Fantastic with the tight straps around its wrists,waist and ankle that will definitely leave permanent marks in the latex.Although there are some stores you can still find these farely inexpensive.I still feel the value of this stretch will eventually reach into the several hundreds.Collectors take out the batteries.Value $80.00 to $150.00 future value $300.00 to $400.00

- This is the mega rare Frankenbumps.1982 .A Vac Man like toy with the air pump that sucks out the air and the pressure valve to release it just like Vac Man. A Mega Rare Toy that has never been seen except in this picture and is almost certian only a prototype was made for the box photo. There is one origianl Box in existence which i currently own. to obtain the figure is a once in a lifetime find if ever.The value I am stateing is merely an estimate for this stretch figure and what I feel It would bring in on an auction. I am going mainly on the fact that I have never seen one yet. As well as talking with other collectors.This is a very difficult stretch to value as there are no past sales on record of Frankenbumps. Because the box may be the only real piece of the frankenbumps in existence today, it has a much higher value than a stretch box that has an actual figure.Value of Frankenbumps Stretch Figure $3,000 to infinite????????
- Value for the Original Frankenbumps Box $ 2,000 plus
- The Mexican release Stretch Armstrong from Lily Ledy is a very very rare stretch figure. Never seen at all.These boxes come with a piece of tape on the top similiar to the denys fisher hulk. Tape reads Lily Ledy, no numbers.This is a true collectors stretch figure to obtain if you get that lucky.The Head is the same as the U.S. version but I did notice a slightly different color in the hair and it also is a bit more shiney.It also is fuller than any stretch I have seen, not one air bubble.Value $2,000
Elastic Batman is the hardest of the Megos along with Plasticman to find.Batman if ever found is worth a ton in almost any condition, especially with the cape still atatched. Plasticman was the final edition to the Mego Elastic Superheroes along with the Hulk and although not as popular as the other megos, PLasticman seems to have escaped collectors hands and is very close to extinction. My PLasticman is one of possibly only two in existence, making it an extremely unlikly find. Mego Superman is also very scarce but may pop up on a very rare occasion.
Superman Value $3,000
PLasticman Value $8,000. Possibly much more. Only two known examples
Batman Value $5,000 to $7,000 in fare condition up to $20,000, Yes I said $20,000 in mint condition. Nearly Immpossible to obtain
Here is a rare pair of Flintsone Stretches.These are not on the stretch master list because they are not full size figures.Flintstones are 8 inch stretches Made by Sulc Toys in Argentina. Elastic Fred Flintstone , and Elastic Barney Rubble are a must for any true heavyweight stretch collector.I have seen only 4 Freds and 4 Barney's to date.Recently a few Fred and Barney stretches have appeared on ebay bringing their rarity level and value down some.Because these are a very popular character, I have included them on my website even though they are not classified as a full size strerch figure.
Fred $500.00
Barney $400.00
As a Pair $850.00
The Rare Stretch Armstrong Curaid Bandaids. These are a mega find for any stretch collector as Kenner did not included these bandaids in every stretch armstrong figure. A total of 10 were included with the Stretch Armstrong Figure.It is Immpossible to say just how many kenner put out there but almost all of them were thrown or misplaced once taken out of the box. All I can say is these bandaids make the stretch armstrong Super Complete from a collectors standpoint and are the number one primo accessory to the Armstrong Figure.The bandaids are pretty much a one time chance if you find them at all.The Value of these absolutely, stupendously rare Stretch Bandaids are $350.00 minimum up to whatever one is willing to pay.I think it may reach even higher as these bandaids are so so rare and totally complete any stretch armstrong figure.The Stretch Curad Bandaids are the key to giving your Stretch Armstrong Figure its maximum value.
This is a great find, You are looking at one of only two known examples of the Italian release Armstrong.The Italian Release Stretch Armstrong ,Mister Muscolo. This is another amazing and very rare stretch figure. I just picked this one up from Italy, and it is perfect. Never stretched. The instructions and box are Mint as well as the figure.Never saw one before this in 6 years. I dont know how many of these were made,but the Italians have done it just right. The latex feels thick, and it has great definition.Also has a much lighter skin tone than the U.S. Stretch Armstrong.Just look at how clean and new this stretch is! Awsome!Value $1,500 to $1,800