A Very Stretchy Christmas Part ll

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Here is part ll of A Very Stretchy Christmas. Please send in more pics and I will continue to add them here

Click on each pic for a larger look! 

Look real close and you will see the Stretch Armstrong on his lap hidden safely behind his arm. Just think about how fortunate the children of the Great 70s were to have opened a Stretch Armstrong under the Christmas Tree.

Dean Mitchell doing the Stretch with his friend.Just goes to show ya, your never too old to stretch your Armstrong.

Two Brothers share the Stretch Experience on Christmas Morning with the Legendary Stretch Armstrong And Stretch Monster.Just think, When we were 10 years old these stretches were a lot larger to us all. It is the equivilent of us now holding a stretch Monster that is over 2 feet tall or double their actual size!

This is another great Christmas Picture sent in by Russ Smith. Here Russ holds a freshly opened Stretch Monster that he discovered under the Christmas Tree way back in 1978. His Brother in the backround is holding up the Stretch Armstrong above his head but unfortunatly Arsmtrong was out of the picture. Thanks for the great pic Russ!

Stretch Monster taking it like a Monster.Now this is what the stretches were made for,some serious stretchen!

Sample Photo 5

Floyd and Grandpa Botts tearring it up with stretch armstrong at Christmas in 1979. Brother David is in the background.

In these two side by side photos, young boy named Wes opens a brand spaken new Stretch Armstrong for Christmas! These two photos are the first and only photos showing a Stretch Armstrong actaully being unwrapped on Christmas morning.

This has to be the ultimate Christmas gift, Both the Denys Fisher Hulk and the Mego Elastic Hulk under the tree for little Bryn.

Looks almost like a Stretch Monster Auction, do I hear 1,500???? going once, going twice,Sold! to the kid in the white hat.Notice the tag on the photo reads Jan 1978.

The Little Ham Stretching the Man!

Look closely,can you see it?Look again, Look just under the Christmas tree in the front and you will see the top of the Orange Stretch Armstrong Box. Only the words Stretch Appear,just enough to prove this guy got a Stretch Armstrong for Christmas.


Could this be the first proof of the Stretch Armstrong Woman? How bout the first Stretch head banger rock star.You gotta give this guy credit for having the most original Stretch Armstrong figure out there.