SAW Value Guide 5/ The new additions

STRETCH ARMSTRONG WORLD Stretch Rejuvinator For Sale! Stretch Armstrong World Trading Post Stretch Armstrong Movie Review Me and the Stretch Armstrong World Heavyweight Collectors Me, Lou Ferrigno and the Stretch Incredible Hulk! The Ultimate Armstrongs! The 11 Mego Elastic Incredible Hulks The Twenty Eight Hulks Known To Exist Meet The Kid on the Hulk Box Stretch Photo Gallery My Vast Stretch Collection The Stretch Armstrong Aluminum Dip Molds/ Mandrels Mega Blast 40 Pics! Mega Blast 40 Photo Page 2 Mega Blast 40 "The Oddities" A Very Stretchy Christmas Part l 1976-1979 A Very Stretchy Christmas Part ll 1976-1979 A Very Stretchy Christmas Past Stretch Monster Lair ---Stretch Armstrong World Value Guide page 1--- ---Stretch Armstrong Value Guide Page 2--- SAW Value Guide Page 3 LJN Wrestlers ----Stretch Armstrong World Value Guide Page 4-- Stretch Armstrong value Guide Page 5 SAW Value Guide 6/ The new additions THE BEST STRETCH PAGE The Stars of the Stretch Kingdom What is your Stretch Collectors Status? The $15,000 Batman The Holy Grail of all that is Hulk STRETCHES SAID TO EXIST Official Stretch Armstrong United States Patent & The Mego versus Cpg / Kenner Lawsuit Rare One of a Kind Blue Prints and Photos The Stretch Armstrong Production Process Estimated Stretches Left in Existence Toy Shop Magazine and Stretch Armstrong World Super Collector STRETCH MASTER LIST THE DAILY STRETCH The Preservation Process and Repairs Solve the Riddel of the Stretch! and win a Vintage Mint Stretch X Ray! Vintage Stretch Figure Advertisments Page 1 Stretch Figure Advertisments Page 2 The Kings Collection Appraised! The Top 12 Official Stretch Figure Mint Count The Mego Elastic 8 The Abbot Laboratory Employee Interview Oooze It or Lose It ! Thee Alpha 7 The Serpent Sale! Get your Official SAW Appraisal Stretchy Blog Contact Photo 3 The Legacy of the Mr X Kid Photo

Here you will find all the newest Stretches worthy of joining the Stretch Kingdom

Here is the newest edition to the Stretch Kingdom,From the United Kingdom, Our very own Stretch Scooby Doo! I just purchased one and I must say, not a bad stretch atall.May be a tad smaller than the 13 inch but definitely a full size figure you must add to your collection. Great latex skin, and very full of the magical syrup. The only bad thing I can say is the packaging. They did it again, just like the Mr Fantastic, Plastic straps wrapped too tightly around the figure. Any collector must cut these straps off for any long term storage. Othewrwize, I like it a lot. 

Value of this newest Stretch Scooby Specimen. $70.00

Stretch Homer Simpson is one of the cooler newest editions to the stretch Kingdom. $75.00

Are you getting hooked on stretches yet????????

Stretch Mr Fantastic is an awsome new arrival to the stretch world. This guy reminds one of the original armstrong. Nice and big with only three bad points,1)Toybiz got stingy on the magical syrup 2) the packaging is terrible and 30 these things harden in less than one year! the good thing isThe latex used to make this stretch is incredibly durable and very hard to tear. the first batch of these figures were produced without black paint on the arms or legs. Value has increased in the last year from $40.00 up to $130.00

The Kingdom grows with new Stretch Power Rangers!

The new Stretch Power Rangers are here! These cool ass Stretches come in 3 colors, Green, Red and Yellow. The newest arrivals to the Stretch Kingdom, the Stretch Power Rangers are very cool. Not sure what exactly they are filled with yet, but from the commercial they look to be filled with a dry substance instead of Syrup. The Rangers are 9 inches tall and available online from the United Kingdom.Click on the Picture to see the Stretch Power Rangers Commercial!

Wow! This is a cool one. The New Super Stretch Mr Fantastic is here from Toybiz. This is the Animated Series and its much more detailed than the original Stretch Mr Fantastic,also has very similar packaging as the original. I hope Toybiz filled these with more syrup than the original figures. Cant wait to get mine. Should be available online soon.

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